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Weaving by Hand

Community is one of our Testimonies.  Recognizing the universal human needs for embrace, intimacy and sharing, as well as solitude, Friends support each other as individuals, couples, and families, however constructed or defined.  

The Meeting strives to be present for all its members throughout different stages of their lives and their specific needs – as single people, coupled, or in broader communities – recognizing the Divine in each. 

from The Meeting Community 

- PacYM Faith & Practice (2001)


Besides worship, we have many other ways to join in the life of the Meeting.
Use same Zoom link as is used for Sunday worship (see Meeting homepage).


see calendar for dates/times

Social Hour Potlucks
(first Sunday afternoon of each month - bringing a dish not required.)

Meeting for Business
(second Sunday afternoon of each month,  following worship & social)

Special Programs 
(third Sunday afternoon of each month, after worship & social)

Annual Spring Retreat
Each year around the beginning of May, a weekend retreat is scheduled at Ben Lomond Quaker Center.


Our Meeting has no paid staff, so volunteers happily do everything! We've found the more we participate, the the Meeting is OUR Meeting, and the greater the sense of our belonging!


Set up for Meeting is provided by Facilities Committee, and  snacks for social hour are done by Loaves & Fishes Committee.


If you like helping those in need, Mutual Care Committee knows ways  you can serve community.


For information about what committees do, see the Committees webpage).


Our Meeting cares about what's happening in the world. If you are involved in a cause you'd like us to know about, or want to join with us as we take action, contact the Clerk of Peace, Earthcare, and Social Witness Committee.


You may also join the Quaker Action Worship Group on first Sunday of the month.

Immigration VIgil.JPG
 Our commitment is expressed in our  Minute on Engagement to Uproot &  Dismantle Racism.
The Power, Privilege, & Race subcommittee of Worship and Ministry Committee was formed to help our Friends Meeting actively uproot and dismantle the seeds and weeds of racism and other oppressions within our faith community.  Our adult education programs across six years have considered privilege and race with loving hope that increased knowledge and introspection will transform us into the Beloved Community we seek.  Read our latest report, click here.
Wood Rings
Individuals in
Our Community
Current and Past
from the newsletter
Spotlights & Highlights
We Remember
Memorial Brochures & Minutes

Ellen Trabilcy

John McCarthy

​Barbara Graves


Anne Blackburn


Kenneth Wolcott


Carol Duhem


Rich Tittle


Tod Mikuriya


Irene Kahn


Dee Rossman


Stephanie Kennedy


Tim Saunders


Jean Flores

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