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Unity suggests to us not agreement or sameness of viewpoint,

but a oneness of purpose that instructs our life together.  

And so it is not necessarily completed, but always underway….


We understand there to be an essential aspect of the Ground of Being

that draws us in reverence,

and that our coming together is more than accidental.  


We are called to be people of strong feeling,

to know differences,

and to discover through exploring our diversity or conflicts

a means of truthfully communicating,

in order to reach together toward what is both common and holy.


Strawberry Creek committee on Worship & Ministry (October 1989)


Faith & Practice

Pacific Yearly Meeting’s book of Faith and Practice describes the structures and processes of Pacific Yearly Meeting, and its Quarterly and Monthly Meetings, as well as the spiritual foundation of these processes and of our way of worship.

Our Meeting has reached Unity on the following...

Testimonies & Minutes
Our Deepest Commitments

Testimonies and Minutes

Minute In Support Of Friends Ugandan Safe Transport Fund (April 2015)
 in response to Ugandan Government's passage of laws targeting the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer population. 

Where Our Money Goes

Community Sharing Fund
Under the care of Peace, Earthcare, and Social Witness Committee
Organizations We Donate To Annually        Compiled by Finance Committee
Funds for Individuals 
Compiled by Finance Committee
Where Our Money Goes
State of Meeting
For State of the Meeting Reports,
click here
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